I'm a creative teacher with a passion for technology. I am the go-to expert for technology help in the math department, and I love it. I grew up in Michigan, and have been in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2005, but I still love the snow. I am an avid science-fiction reader, and a tuba player.
2180 Tsushima St
Hercules, CA 94547
(517) 944-2377

Math Teacher

Director of Bands

Substitute Teacher at Saint Joseph County ISD in Centreville, Michigan

Masters of Arts in Education Technology

Completed courses such as Statistics and How to build a Blog to improve my teaching and technology skills

Teacher of English Learners (CTEL) Certificate

Bachelor of Music in Music Education with Honor. Member of the Honors College.
California Clear
Music (MUSI)
Math (MATX)
Google Educator
Smart Notebook